Smart Password Store: User Guide

Add a Password
Create Password Image
Encrypt Password Image
SFX (stub)
Common Errors


Smart Password Store allows you to store your passwords, to view your password you only need to remember one password. The passwords are stored within an image, when the correct password is entered all your passwords can be seen.

Smart Password Store will not indicate if the password entered is incorrect. Simply if the correct password is entered you will see all of your password, if not your passwords will be kept encrypted in the image and be unreadable.

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Add a Password

To add passwords for encryption, simply fill in the details on the right hand side of the window and click the Add button.

Picture of the main window showing the list of passwords.

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Create Password Image

To create a password image, click on the Generate Image button (as shown above). Once you have clicked that button you should then see the password image, an example of this is shown below.

Picture of the main window showing the password image.

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Encrypt Password Image

To encrypt the password image, click on the Encrypt button (as shown above). Once you have clicked that button you should then see the following window which allows you to set a password for the image.

When you start to type a password in, this window will show how strong your password is.

Within this window you also have the option to create an EXE (also known as a SFX)

Picture of the window to set a password for the password image.

Once you have set your password you will them be shown the encrypted password image. Also if you have decided to create an EXE (also known as a SFX), that will have been created in the location you selected.

Picture of the main window showing the encrypted password image.

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From the menu, you can load and save the password list, password image and the encrypted password image.

Picture of the main windows file menu.

Remember: to keep the listing from passwords is dangerous; this is because a password list is not encrypted when it is saved.

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Below is the options window, as you can see there are a number of options available to you.

Picture of the options window.

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SFX (stub)

The SFX, is the EXE file that you can generate with your encrypted password image. This program is totally independent to the main program, and can be used in any other PC. When you run this small program you will be asked to enter your password, if the password is correct you will see all of your saved passwords.

Picture of the password entry window for the SFX.

The spotlight method can be used to stop malicious screen capture programs or near by people from viewing your entire password at once, they will only be able to see part of it.

The spotlight size can be changed using the keys + and -.

Picture of the spotlight in the SFX program.

By clicking anywhere on the encrypted password image, the whole password image becomes decrypted and all passwords become visible. Clicking the password image again will turn the spotlight on again.

Picture of the password entry window for the SFX.

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Common Errors

When no language for the program is selected, or the language file becomes lost, the following error message will appear. To fix this error simply select an available language file. If no language files are found, please reinstall the program.

Picture of the error message box caused by no language being selected.

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